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@preconcurrency usage in swift explained When you enable strict concurrency checks for your existing projects, it’s likely that Xcode will present loads of warnings and/or errors when you compile your project for the first time. In this post, I’d like to take a look at a specific kind of error that relates to code that you didn’t write. The @preconcurrency […]

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Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI with NavigationPath and navigationDestination One of the key features that was missing from SwiftUI when it first shipped was a good way to do programmatic navigation. There were some ways to handle this before iOS 16 introduced NavigationPath but it wasn’t very satisfying to use those APIs and they could be rather unreliable at times. To see an example, […]

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Turn off sidebar hiding on NavigationSplitView in SwiftUI By default, a NavigationSplitView in SwiftUI will show users an option to toggle the visibility of the sidebar. If you want to prevent this button from showing up so that users will always have to see your sidebar, you can do this by applying the toolbar(removing view modifier to your split view's sidebar as follows: […]

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How to decide between a Set and Array in Swift? Collections are a key component in any programming language. We often refer to collections as Array or Set but there are several other kinds of collections in programming like String (often a collection of type Character) and ArraySlice (referring to a part of an array). In this post, I’d like to explore two of the […]

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Swift’s “if” and “switch” expressions explained In Swift, we sometimes want to assign a property based on whether a certain condition is true or false, or maybe based on the value of an enum. To do this, we can either make a variable with a default value that we change after checking our condition or we define a let without a […]

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