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Using iOS 18’s new TabView with a sidebar In iOS 18, Apple has revamped the way that tab bars look. They used to be positioned at the bottom of the screen with an icon and a text underneath. Starting with iOS 18, tab bars will no longer be displayed in that manner. Instead, on iPad you will have your tab bar on the […]

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Building a stretchy header view with SwiftUI on iOS 18 In iOS 18, SwiftUI's ScrollView has gotten lots of love. We have several new features for ScrollView that give tons of control to us as developers. One of my favorite interactions with scroll views is when I can drag on a list an a header image animates along with it. In UIKit we'd implement a […]

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Modern logging with the OSLog framework in Swift We all know that print is the most ubiquitous and useful debugging tool in a developer’s toolbox. Sure, we have breakpoints too but what’s the fun in that? Sprinkling some prints throughout our codebase to debug a problem is way more fun! And of course when we print more than we can handle we just […]

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@preconcurrency usage in swift explained When you enable strict concurrency checks for your existing projects, it’s likely that Xcode will present loads of warnings and/or errors when you compile your project for the first time. In this post, I’d like to take a look at a specific kind of error that relates to code that you didn’t write. The @preconcurrency […]

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Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI with NavigationPath and navigationDestination One of the key features that was missing from SwiftUI when it first shipped was a good way to do programmatic navigation. There were some ways to handle this before iOS 16 introduced NavigationPath but it wasn’t very satisfying to use those APIs and they could be rather unreliable at times. To see an example, […]

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