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COVID-19 associated with higher risk of erectile dysfunction Men previously diagnosed with COVID-19 are at a greater risk of developing new-onset erectile dysfunction.


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Is there an association between fatherhood and cardiovascular outcomes? Associations between fatherhood and cardiovascular health (CVH), disease (CVD), and mortality.


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Female and male heart failure may require distinct treatments A new study from the UC Davis School of Medicine found striking differences at the cellular level between male and female mice with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF).


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Heart-healthy habits keep you biologically young, study shows A new study in the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals that heart-healthy lifestyle factors are linked to younger biological age and lower cardiovascular disease risk through DNA methylation.


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Exercise-induced exerkines: Secret weapon in disease prevention and therapy A recent review in Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy highlights the role of exercise-induced molecules, exerkines, in disease prevention and treatment, emphasizing their molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential.


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