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Can cutting back on extra virgin olive oil make your heart healthier? Two levels of extra virgin olive oil intake in a plant-based diet both reduce LDL cholesterol, with lower intake showing a more significant effect.


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Distinct patient preference profiles identified in prostate cancer care A team of investigators from UCLA has identified distinct patient preference-based profiles among men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer regarding their treatment options that could help enhance shared decision-making and patient satisfaction in prostate cancer care.


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COVID pandemic accelerated brain aging, especially in males and deprived groups The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated brain aging, particularly in males and those from deprived backgrounds, with significant cognitive performance decline in infected individuals. This impact was observed regardless of COVID-19 infection status, highlighting the role of psychosocial stressors.


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Lifestyle and socioeconomic status affect health impacts of ultra-processed foods A recent study found that lifestyle and socioeconomic factors influence the negative impact of ultra-processed foods (UPF) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Higher UPF intake is linked to poorer physical health, especially among women, smokers, and those with low socioeconomic status.


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Study validates Stockholm3 test for prostate cancer in ethnically mixed populations Stockholm3, a prostate cancer test developed in Sweden, runs a combination of protein and genetic markers from a blood sample through an algorithm to find the probability of a patient having clinically significant cancer.


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