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Not guilty The New York case against Trump was one of those all too frequent examples of prosecutorial overreach. It was a bullshit charge based on a highly creative definition of election law. If I had been a juror, Trump would have gotten off due to a hung jury. Having said that, Trump is a criminal many […]

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Trust, but verify In a recent post, Tyler Cowen offers some views on a wide variety of issues. He begins with some reassuring remarks about the future of American democracy, and then offers some highly pessimistic remarks about Germany: Meanwhile, being reasonable with your constituents is overrated. Look at Germany, which has non-ideological, non-polarized politics. They’ve gotten every […]


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The new (NIMBY) Trump In the upcoming presidential election, the issues really don’t matter at all. Nobody in their right mind believes a thing that Trump says, so it’s all guesswork as to what he will do in office. And even if I agreed with Trump 100% on “the issues” (I don’t) I’d still vote against him because he’s […]

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The once and future king So let me get this straight. The President of the United States encouraged the Chinese to build concentration camps in Xinjiang. The Chinese built concentration camps in Xinjiang. In response, we complain about human rights violations and launch a cold war that could easily turn into a hot war. Increasingly, I feel that America is […]


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