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1 month ago - Translate

Forum Post: RE: About the Channel CPACK Utility Core IP output data in the ADRV9009 ZC706 reference design Hi lcy0110 , I check the error message you got and tried to replicate the issue on my end as well. The problem that you're facing is an issue that is coming from our and primarily. You see, the Testbenches repository is going with the main branch of the HDL repository and we don't really have any backwards compatibility between the two just yet. However, there's a way around this. Check out the main branch for HDL and update the util_pack branch in Testbenches, as I uploaded a fix a couple of minutes ago. The cpack and upack IPs were not changed for years, so both branches from HDL will have the exact same IP, no differences. Use this command to prevent error generation from Vivado: export ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK=1 . This will enable you to run the code with older Vivado versions. Suggestion: go into the library folder, and run make clean. This will clean up all of the created IPs, so when you're trying to build anything, there will be no residual files, that can cause issues with the testbench. And when you run the testbench with the make command, it should automatically build everything for you. Tested with Vivado version: 2021.1; HDL branch: main; Testbenches branch: util_pack; exported version check disabled. Let me know if you're still having issues with the testbench. Regards, -Istvan

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