Forum Post: RE: Getting Jupiter image to work
[quote userid="101828" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/557374"]1. How do we verify the profiles that were generated are compatible with the software on the device? Or how do we figure out why they will not load?[/quote] From above: [quote userid="101830" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/556669"]The kuiper release is still working on 0.26. We already support 0.27 in our main branch and we'll backport it to the 2023_r2 release. We should then release a patch version on top of 2023_r2. That said, the profiles generated between 0.26 and 0.27 are the same so it __should__ work (but never tested).[/quote] [quote userid="32327" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/556429"]Also, to see why aprofile has failed to load you can enter in the UART console "dmesg". Better first, try to load the profilel through IIO-Oscilloscope.[/quote] We need the dmesg log to understand why the profile fails to load. Setup a UART [Analog Devices Wiki] [quote userid="101828" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/557374"]2. How do we figure out why the matlab toolbox cannot find the libiio libraries?[/quote][quote userid="101828" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/557374"]3. How can we execute the python libraries and get past the step where it attempts to connect to the device?[/quote] travisfcollins Do you have any input on 2 and 3? [quote userid="101828" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/557374"]4. Is there a version of the Kuiper or other firmware that works with the Jupiter device without modifications to support untested examples or library versions?[/quote] The version you received should work out of the box with the included SD card. Matlab and python examples. [quote userid="101828" url="~/fpga/f/q-a/591727/getting-jupiter-image-to-work/557374"]5. Can TES connect to the software running on the Jupiter device? [/quote] No. TES is maintained by a different group inside ADI, I'm not aware of any ideas for jupiter to be supported on TES. First we need the full UART log messages, you can attach it here as a txt file. Also, errors and behaviour from Matlab. Andrei
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