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Watch: 'Creating Things' Short Doc Film Examining a Father's Legacy "Things that I create will hopefully live beyond my life." What kind of legacy will you leave? Will there be anyone to celebrate that legacy, to make sure it leaves a last impression? This wonderful, wholesome short film is a exercise in extending that legacy. Creating Things is a 10-minute short doc made by the brothers Bryan Simpson and Taylor Simpson, telling the story of their dad Roger Simpson - a beautiful artist with a creative mind. "Our friend Peter Lyngso revealed to us that he had filmed an interview with our Dad after his cancer diagnosis a couple years earlier. Upon watching the interview we learned new things about our Dad. It also reaffirmed things about him, most important of which was his passion for creating. This became an excuse to discover and rediscover our Dad's art, photos, and other mementos to create this film. The process has been a cathartic labor of love and the final piece is not only a visual eulogy to our Dad, but a visual ode to creating." No more intro necessary - press ...


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