Aging profile picture
23 días - Traducciones

Mitochondrial Transplantation Improves Muscle Function in Old Mice The hundreds of mitochondria found in every cell are in effect power plants, their primary task being to manufacture the chemical energy store molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used to power cellular processes. Mitochondria become damaged like every cellular component, and are recycled frequently. With age, however, changes in expression of mitochondrial and other proteins lead to dysfunctional recycling and dysfunctional mitochondria. ATP production suffers, side-effects of ATP production such as the generation of free radical molecules grow to become problematic, and cell function is impacted. This happens throughout the body, and is thought to be an important contributing cause of degenerative aging. At least two companies are working earnestly on developing mitochondrial transplantation therapies as a way to treat aging, Mitrix Bio and […]

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