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Robert Powell Human biology and immunology graduate and father of four Robert Powell tells his story as part of November’s Mouth Cancer Action Month. 
Rob's symptoms started as a persistent sore throat and happened soon after him ad his wife Susie moved to France to open a bed and breakfast. As he suffered with tonsilitis as a young child, he didn't think too much of it at the time, saying “In those days, they used to whip your tonsils out at the drop of a hat but despite having several bouts of tonsillitis, they left mine in. I just thought, I’ve got a sore throat and it’ll go away. I did the blokey thing and ignored it.”
It took Robert several months to accept that he needed help. He did eventually go to the GP for some antibiotics, but when the medication failed to ease the pain in the back of Robert’s mouth he decided to seek the advice of a dentist.
“One day, I was doing training at a dental practice and said, ‘would you mind taking a look...

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