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Forum Post: Unexpected Received Data from AD9361 on ZedBoard + FMCOMMS3 I am working with the AD9361 reference project on a ZedBoard + FMCOMMS3 setup. I am transmitting a constant pattern (0x55555555) and expecting to receive the same pattern (or a variation due to analog effects). However, the received data is completely different from the expected transmission.Why can't I receive what I sent? Steps to Reproduce: I generate a 1024-sample array filled with 0x55555555 and load it into the TX DMA buffer. I configure the DAC to use this custom data and enable transmission. I capture 1024 received samples and print them. ---- Code Snippet: ----- ----- 1-Transmit Data Setup ------ uint32_t constant_tx_data[1024]; for (int i = 0; i tx_dac, -1, AXI_DAC_DATA_SEL_DMA); axi_dac_load_custom_data(ad9361_phy->tx_dac, constant_tx_data, NO_OS_ARRAY_SIZE(constant_tx_data), (uintptr_t)dac_buffer); ------ 2- Received Data Printout -------- for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { printf("0x%08X
", adc_buffer[i]); } ------ 3-OUTPUT -------- 0x00002CD4 0x00002CAF 0x0000FA6D 0x0000FA04 0x0000D2EA 0x0000D2DA 0x0000FA6E 0x0000FA04 ...

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