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Coping with rejection. 10 tips to guide you Coping with rejection is not always easy especially when it comes from someone you cherish and hold in high esteem.[...]


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3 Ways to Nurture a Flourishing Friendship What one word might you use to describe the present state of your friendships? Evolving, encouraging, enduring? Strained, stressful, shallow? How about flourishing? Is that a word that would easily come to mind as you characterize the current status of your existing friendships? If not, I want to offer you hope that all is not lost. It is possible to have thriving, God-honoring friendships that reflect the heart of God. It is God's desire that we engage in flourishing friendships that reveal His glory. Our friendships have the potential to be light to a world that so desperately needs to see us model the example of what this looks like according to the standards and ways of God's kingdom.In order to experience flourishing friendships, we must be honest about the challenges that often prevent our friendships from flourishing. Another word for flourish is to grow. As in any other context, if not nurtured properly, growth within our friendships can also be stunted. Amos 3:3 (KJV) says, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed? In order to grow and flourish in friendship with another person, we must be able to walk together in agreement. Being unified in friendship will not just happen because we are good Christian people, but it will require our commitment to honor God in the friendships gifted to us as we tend to them with compassion and faithfulness.Here are three aspects to consider as you navigate and nurture your flourishing friendships and courageously embrace the privilege of fostering them in a healthy manner that honors God.Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Maskot


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Does God Forgive Sex Before Marriage? Friends, the deceiver is still deceiving! But God is still God, and His very nature exudes love, grace, and mercy. So, when one of those students asked if God forgives sex before marriage, my initial response was a wholehearted, "Yes, of course, He does!" However, I know that there are many layers to this question, and it comes with a heart that may be seeking permission to fall into lust (if there will be forgiveness) or repentance due to guilt that is weighing heavy.


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31 Days of Comforting Promises for Widowers Straight from Scripture Lord, it struck me today that you’ve probably already wiped the tears from my wife’s eyes. Thank you for that. Would you tell her I love her—and I’m looking forward to the day when we both get to experience no more death…or sorrow…or crying…or pain? Amen!


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10 Ways to Make Your Husband Happy (and Your Marriage Better!) It doesn’t take much time or effort to see that our culture is pessimistic about marriage. A happy marriage seems more like a fairy tale that Pollyanna dreamed up fifty years ago. Many of today’s wives are complaining left and right about their husbands’ many shortcomings. So why should a wife make her husband happy when he’s not making her happy?I like what host Bob Lepine of Family Life Today says, “Our role is not to figure out how to fix our spouse. Our role is: How do we reflect Christ in the marriage?” The game changes when we as wives make it our aim to bring joy to the marriage for the glory of God. It’s no longer about “What have you done for me lately?” it’s about “What have I done for you lately?” Instead of being disappointed in what your husband hasn’t done, you can experience great peace knowing that you are doing him good and not evil all the days of his life (Proverbs 31:12).And guess what? I can attest that when you respect your spouse and practice making your husband happy, he will turn around and pour that love right back onto you.Ready to get started? Here are the top ten ways to make your husband happy:Photo credit: ©Getty Images/LaylaBird


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