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Wine Book Reviews: Getting Serious about Prosecco and Rosé Here are brief reviews of two new books that tell the stories of two previously under-appreciated wines that have come into their own, but the books do so in completely different ways. Prosecco Superiore first, then  Rosé from Provence. >>><<< The Story of Prosecco Superiore by Susan H. Gordon is a serious book about a […]

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The Big and Hot Guide to Wine 2024 When you’re hot, you’re hot (and when you’re not, you’re not). That’s the way it is in the wine market today. One of the most interesting charts at the “State of the Industry” session at this year’s Unified Wine & Grape Symposium was Danny Brager’s analysis of what I call the U.S. wine market’s “Big […]

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Starbucks, McDonald’s, and the Global Wine Glut Two of the most-read Wine Economist columns of 2023 analyzed theories of the global wine glut. The first focused on demographic theories (generational differences and life-cycle patterns) and the second took aim at economic forces (rising inflation, interest rates, housing costs, consumer and business debt). The first column got more attention. Until now. A recent […]

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Is Orange the New White? Orange wine (white wine made with extended skin contact) isn’t new, but some people think it might be the next big thing. Is Orange the new White when it comes to wine? White the New Red? These are interesting times for the wine business, as recent OIV studies have shown. Not only is global wine […]

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GD Vajra: Once Upon a Time in Barolo Once upon a time … That’s how many of our most beloved stories begin, so that’s how we begin this report on the wines of G.D. Vajra. These wines might be best understood in the context of the stories about them. And the stories have surely helped us understand and appreciate what we found in […]

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