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LONG TERM OUTCOMES OF AUGMENTATION CYSTOPLASTY IN GENITOURINARY TUBERCULOSIS IN ADULTS: A 12-YEAR FOLLOW-UP EXPERIENCE AT A TERTIARY SINGLE CENTER To evaluate the long-term effectiveness and consequences of augmentation cystoplasty in adult patients with small capacity bladder due to genitourinary tuberculosis (GUT.

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Hispanic Ethnicity and Fertility Outcomes To assess the association between ethnicity and fertility outcomes for men in a statewide cohort.

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Editorial Comment on "Urethral outcomes of the labia minora ring flap for metoidioplasty and phalloplasty" The authors present their experience performing a standardized labia minora ring flap for urethral lengthening during metoidioplasty and phalloplasty. The overall volume (n=311) was impressive, and rates of urethral stricture were low (6% for metoidioplasty and 18% for phalloplasty). When considering alternative approaches to urethral lengthening, one should consider the complexity of the reconstruction (e.g. more dissection/mobilization/suture lines) with the goals of the procedure and risks of complications.

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Utilization and Timing of Cystoscopy for Hematuria Evaluation by Advanced Practice Providers and Urologists To characterize differences between urologists and advanced practice providers (APPs) in utilization of cystoscopy for hematuria.

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Thromboembolic Events After Robotic Radical Cystectomy: A Comparative Analysis of Extended and Limited Prophylaxis To compare limited (only inpatient) venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis after robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) to limited plus extended prophylaxis. There is little consensus on postoperative VTE prophylaxis regimens after RARC with data mostly extrapolated from other cancers.

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