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How Generative AI is Changing Customer Service Sheila Sanz at Sabio takes a look at how Generative AI is changing customer service: challenges and opportunities in employment and efficiency. Generative Artificial Intelligence is redefining not only how brands interact with customers, but also how they optimise their […]

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When “White Lotus” Meets CX, or the Future of EX Customer service interactions have shifted from human interactions to self-service. Gal Rimon at Centrical explores how the introduction of generative AI innovations raises the question: what kind of human interactions should customers expect from customer support and sales staff? How […]

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Why Customer Service Leaders SHOULD Reinvent the Wheel Gradual improvements to customer service can no longer keep pace with increasing complexity and plummeting satisfaction. Innovation must take bigger leaps and change the contact centre forever. We’re often told ‘don’t reinvent the wheel’, which usually means ‘let’s solve the […]

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Running an Effective Outbound Call Centre Running an Effective Outbound Call Centre Running an effective outbound call centre can boost sales, help retain customers and ensure timely payment collection. They are a vital cog in the day-to-day running of many different types of businesses, especially those […]

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Differentiating Your Experience-as-a-Service as a Managed Service Provider Ryan Black at Genesys takes a look at differentiating your Experience-as-a-Service as a Managed Service Provider. As one of the co-vertical leads for the MSP and VAR sector at Genesys, my primary objective is to provide unwavering support to VARs […]

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