Forum Post: zcu102 adrv9009 IPs not work on zcu11eg
Hi, I am doing revise the FPGA reference design from zcu9eg(ZCU102) + adrv9009 to zcu11eg + adrv9009. After I changed the IO , I hoped the app can initialize the hardware. But the error occured at IP axi_adrv9009_rx_clkgen, axi_adrv9009_rx_os_clkgen, axi_adrv9009_tx_clkgen. I traced the app code to find the error at checking if reg_val == AXI_CLKGEN_STATUS, but the read reg_val is zero. I review the memory map and find the memory of the IPs 0x83C00000, 0x83C10000, 0x83C20000,are all zeroes. If I used the orignal zcu9eg(ZCU102) + adrv9009 , the app worked fine and the memory are not all zeroes. I have no idea how to make the IPs work on zcu11eg as well as zcu9eg?
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